Pushing the boundaries in Orthopaedics

Giving surgeons the ability to address challenges of complex reconstructions, implant revisions, and limb salvage procedures when there’s no alternative for the patient.

Additive Manufacturing

Utilising CT scans with 3D Software pre surgical planning, provides the surgeon with an intuitive design process. Blueprint plate contour and thickness, ensure implant matches defect profile accurately, or ensure screw trajectory is planned to account for patients bone quality. Every option is achievable

Surgeon Driven

The surgeon is in full control of every aspect of the design process. Our engineering teams work in partnership with the surgeon to support the design process rather than lead the process.

The team allows the clinician to construct complex, freeform geometries, which allows the creation of Patient Specific implants.

Patient Specific

Ability to address challenges of complex reconstructions, implant revisions, and limb salvage procedures when there is no alternative for the patient. The implant is designed to fit the patient’s unique anatomy. Plate contour, thickness. Bone segment designed to fit defect profile. Screw trajectory planned to account for patient’s bone quality

Avascular Necrosis of the Talus

The only FDA approved total talus replacement designed to work with the patients anatomical pathologies.

Design & Print

Process designed for full accessibility for patient implantation within 5 weeks

Stage 1

Patient Prescription

The design process starts with a patient prescription from the surgeon providing all the details necessary to build the patient profile taking into account all necessary comobities, anatomical considerations and patient history and pathology

Stage 2

CT Scans

Full patient profile with 1mm slices. Scans are integrated into the 3D software to provide full anatomical profiling prior to design meeting *Data fully protect for GDPR

Stage 3

Design Consultation & Design Sign Off

Once the patient data has been modelled, the consultation organised to provide full surgeon autonomy for the design of the implant; allowing full consideration of the bony landmarks, screw or plate trajectory, bone density or stress risers

Book A design consultation